ELBO-R couplings are used in all applications requiring an absolutely reliable transmission of torque.
ELBO-R couplings cover a wide range of requirements. Available in 26 different sizes, couplings are available for a
range of torques extending from 200 to 1,300,000 Nm. The EL BO-R couplings with steel hubs allow the coupling to be used at high speeds.
ELBO-R couplings damp torque impacts and allow shifting of critical speeds.
Assuming correct coupling design and correct alignment at assembly, the buffers which are subjected only to compression during torque transmission, have a long life.
The convex buffers in the ELBO-R couplings can be pushed into position. Both bolts and buffers can be
replaced without any axial movement of the motor or machinery. Uncoupled machinery can be radially dismantled.
ELBO-R couplings are fail-safe up to the shear torque of the metallic parts which is many times the permissible impact torque. They therefore offer the greatest possible operational reliability.
Due to the barelled shape of the flexible elements (the buffers) which are moveable in their seating holes, angular, radial and axial shaft displacements can be balanced as required.
ELBO-R couplings can be used for both directions of rotations and are therefore suitable for reversing operation.